Onchain attestation by Curator

The off-chain attestations handled by EthSign, the frontend also supports on-chain attestations executed by curators. This allows individual users, rather than just Phi, to perform attestations against the trusted verifier.

Schema for Trusted Verifier

The schema for the trusted verifier is structured as follows:

  {"name": "verifier", "type": "address"}

This schema is simpler, focusing only on the verifier's address.

Example Attestation for Trusted Verifier

  • Attestation ID: 0x267

  • Created at: July 26, 2024 06:08:52

  • Schema: Trusted Verifier

  • Network: Base Sepolia

  • Data Location: Base Sepolia

  • Decoded Data:

    • verifier: 0xF83cd7e07343ebee84c3100cafe1e4340d266846d

Example https://testnet-scan.sign.global/schema/onchain_evm_84532_0xab

Last updated