Verify Attestation by PHI

EthSign provides a secure, transparent, and efficient way to handle attestations within the art minting process. By leveraging digital signatures and blockchain technology, EthSign ensures that all attestations are trustworthy and tamper-proof, enhancing the overall reliability of the system. This integration streamlines the verification process, making it faster and more cost-effective while maintaining high standards of security and transparency.

Role of the Verifier

  • Role of the Verifier:

    • The verifier is responsible for confirming the validity of the cred. In this context, the verifier checks the minter's eligibility to mint on the provided cred details.

    • The verifier’s address is included in the attestation to ensure that the verification was performed by an authorized entity.

Create Attestation with Verify Detail (Frontend → EthSign)

  • The frontend sends a request to EthSign to create an attestation. This request includes verification details such as credential chain ID, credential ID, minter address, verifier address, mint eligibility, and additional data.

  • Make Attestation (EthSign)

    • EthSign processes the request and creates a structured attestation. This attestation adheres to a predefined schema and is digitally signed by EthSign to ensure its authenticity and integrity.

  • Return Signature (EthSign → Frontend)

    • Once the attestation is created and signed, EthSign returns the signed attestation to the frontend. This signed attestation can then be used for further processes, such as calling the mint method on the contract.


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