What's a Cred

We support three types of verification:

Before You Begin

We support three types of verification:

  1. File Upload (Merkle type): The eligible list is fixed from the time of creation.

  2. API (Backend-authorized by verifier signature): The verifier sets up an API to verify requests on a case-by-case basis.

Please review the different requirements and use cases per cred and decide on your verification type.

(Future) EAS approach: It enables verification without a separate backend (only Phi backend is needed), and the credential creator can manage an updatable eligible list.

Merkle Type

Prepare a CSV file using data sources such as Dune or POAP. The first row of the CSV must include 'address' as a header. This method sets a fixed eligible list at the time of creation.

Signature Type

Set up an API that performs verification. The API should return a JSON object containing 'mint_eligibility' and 'signature' properties. Implement a handler function that checks credentials and creates signatures based on the provided address. This allows for case-by-case verification by the verifier.

Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS)

First, register a schema using the SchemaRegistry contract. This involves defining the schema structure, setting a resolver address, and determining if it's revocable. After registration, you'll receive a schema UID. Then, create attestations on-chain (with the option to expand off-chain) using the registered schema. This approach enables verification without a separate backend and allows the credential creator to manage an updatable eligible After Creation

After Created

After creation, regardless of the verification type, users can purchase shares in the cred. This gives them the right to receive a portion of the minting fee when art is minted.

To ensure that many arts are set up and to create engaging creds that attract interest from everyone, consider the following:

  1. Set up related links correctly.

  2. Explain the verification logic in the description.

  3. Handle verification details appropriately for each type:

    • For file upload (Merkle) cases, accurately communicate the data source.

    • For signature type, you can assign verification to addresses other than your own and specify who can perform the verification.

    • For EAS cases, ensure proper management of the attestations.

  4. It's advisable to set up a project name and logo.

Credential Creator Rewards

Credential Creators earn rewards in two ways:

  1. By performing verification for the Cred they create as Verifier

  2. When other users (Curators) buy or sell shares for a Cred. This rewards Credential Creators when other users (Curators) buy or sell shares for a Cred.

Last updated