Phi Lib

Phi Lib is a powerful, developer-friendly toolkit designed for seamless interaction with the Phi Protocol. It allows developers to create and manage credentials (Creds), issue artworks as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) tied to these credentials, and verify minting eligibility across multiple blockchain networks.


  • Create Merkle-based Creds from CSV or JSON files

  • Create Signature-based Creds with customizable verification endpoints

  • Buy/Sell shares for Cred

  • Issue NFT Arts based on Creds

  • Easy-to-use command-line interface (CLI)

  • TypeScript support for improved code quality and developer experience


We welcome contributions to the Phi SDK! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix

  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages

  4. Push your changes to your forked repository

  5. Submit a pull request to the main repository

For more information on contributing, please see our contribution guidelines.


The Phi Lib is released under the MIT License.


If you have any questions, issues, or suggestions regarding the Phi SDK, please open an issue on GitHub or contact our support team at

Last updated